Thursday, January 13, 2011

YouTube now serving 200 million mobile video views every day!

YouTube is now serving over 200 million video views per day to mobile devices.  I

In 2010, there were 45 million smart phone users in the U.S., and 235 mobile phone users total (smart phones combined with traditional cell phones).  Now go back and look at the video views number.  It averages out to roughly 4 video views per day per smartphone user.

Pretty amazing, huh?  

Are you utilizing QR Codes (Quick Response) so buyers can view your videos on their mobile phone?

It's simple! 

1)  Upload your video tours to YouTube.
2)  Copy the URL of the video:
3)  Shorten the URL if you want via a site like or
4)  Generate a QR Code with a free QR Generator such as MobileFish.  This site allow you to make a high resolution version suitable for printing.  (choose a block size of 15 for high res images).

Once you have your QR Code, you can place it in a number of places:

1)  Put it on your flyer/ brochure that you distribute to buyers with the listing package
2)  Print a sign rider to go above your "For Sale" sign.
3)  Place it on "Just Listed" postcards.

Check out StickerScan for inexpensive and interesting ways to utilize QR Codes in your real estate marketing!

WOW Factor!
Just imagine... you're giving your listing presentation to a perspective seller, and you demonstrate this technology.  Even if your sellers have never owned a computer or been on the internet, they will be impressed that a perspective buyer can sit at the foot of their driveway... snap a picture of the sign... and instantly take a walk through video tour of their home!

It's just one more way of demonstrating your willingness to market their home in every possible way.  Sellers know this is a difficult market, and by showing them how you intend to market their property using video tours and QR technology... will give you an edge over 99% of your competitors!

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